Pazartesi, Mart 10, 2025

Western Drivers are 5x more Concerned about Using AI in Vehicles than Chinese or Indians Drivers

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The automotive industry has transformed dramatically over the years, with carmakers embracing cutting-edge technologies to meet drivers’ evolving expectations. As a cornerstone of innovation in the tech industry, artificial intelligence has become the center of that shift. And while AI sparks excitement, it also fuels fear and skepticism, revealing a huge East-West divide in how drivers see its role in vehicles.

According to data presented by, Western drivers are five times more concerned about AI in vehicles than their Chinese or Indian counterparts.

Over 60% of Western Drivers Are Skeptical or Indifferent About AI in Driving Assistance

Seven years after AI became mainstream, its vehicle use still causes mixed feelings. While some drivers welcome its potential to enable autonomous driving and improve safety and fuel efficiency, many remain cautious of losing control behind the wheel. Fears of accidents due to technical failures and insufficient regulations only fuel their skepticism. According to Deloitte’s 2025 Global Automotive Consumer Study, most AI skeptics among drivers are in Western countries.

Many Western drivers worry about AI’s reliability in critical situations, fearing malfunctions or misjudgments that could cause accidents. Privacy is also a big issue, as connected vehicles collect vast amounts of data, raising fears of misuse or surveillance.

According to Deloitte, around 60% of Western drivers are either against or feel indifferent about using AI in vehicles. For example, for around 25% of drivers in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, AI offers no clear benefits, while over 30% are neutral. On the other hand, only 40% of drivers in these countries think AI in vehicles is beneficial, much less than in Asian markets.

Chinese and Indian drivers are generally more enthusiastic about AI, and there are several reasons for that. In China, government-backed initiatives promoting smart cities and autonomous driving have created a culture of optimism around AI, including traffic. Meanwhile, India’s growing middle class and worsening traffic conditions make AI-powered vehicles highly appealing.

Statistics show that only 5% of drivers in China, India, and Southeast Asia find AI in vehicles unhelpful, five times less than in Western countries. At the same time, 82% of Indians and 77% of Chinese are willing to embrace AI solutions for safer and smarter transportation systems.

Anti-Theft Tracking, Emergency Assistance, and Automated Detection of Traffic are the Top Use Cases of AI in Vehicles

Deloitte’s survey also revealed the most popular AI-powered features among drivers. Emergency assistance topped the list, with 86% of Indian drivers, 78% of Chinese drivers, 62% of US drivers, and 58% of UK drivers willing to pay extra for this service.

Anti-theft tracking was the second most preferred service, with an 88% share in India, 77% in China, 60% in the US, and 65% in the UK. Automatic detection of other vehicles and pedestrians was another key feature, embraced by 81% of Chinese and 75% of Indian drivers, but only 60% of the US and 50% of UK drivers.

The survey also showed that 87% of Indian and 80% of Chinese drivers believe their next vehicle should be able to connect with a smartphone, roughly 20% more than their US and UK counterparts and nearly twice more than in Germany or Japan.

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