Pazartesi, Mart 10, 2025

Spirit of Speed – the ultimate Arctic driving experience

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Hundreds of needle-sharp, tungsten tipped studs bite through the ice, hunting out grip where your brain screams there should be none, headlights piercing the Arctic’s never-quite daylight; a flat-six’s mechanical howl sings through the snow-laden pines as you thread the needle round the sinuous turns of a forest stage.  This is an experience that only KALMAR’s Spirit of Speed can offer. 

It’s not just about honing your skills on ice – regardless of prior experience – but doing so in friendly atmosphere where ‘smiles-per-mile’ count. A blend of tailored, one-on-one training from a team of hand-picked (and predominantly Scandinavian) instructors, bespoke ice tracks in Finnish Lapland, and the finest, top end Arctic accommodation, provide the ideal setting to channel your inner Marcus Grönholm (the WRC Champion can even be your instructor by special request).

Arctic perfection
Spirit of Speed’s facility sits 150km within the arctic circle – not shared with any other winter experience suppliers – and freezing conditions are almost guaranteed across three driving surfaces: frozen lake, marshland and forest tracks. Add in a selection of classic air and contemporary water-cooled, rear and mind-engine Porsches, running WRC-spec studded tyres, and you have a recipe for the ultimate ice driving package.

Two driving programs are available, Arctic Control and Arctic Race. Each delivering a personalised training scheme, maximising time on the ice, and structured to meet drivers’ specific goals.

For a first foray onto the ice, Arctic Control seeks to build driving skills, mastering vehicle control and removing the fear of letting it all “hang out”. Arctic Race takes things to the next level, bringing the stopwatch and competition to the mix – not to mention full rally-style forest stages.

Finally, there is also Arctic Team, where you can join as a group (minimum eight people) and tailor make an experience to fully match your wishes.

The driving will be intense and maximum time on the ice means adrenaline will not be in short supply. But once off the ice, Spirit of Speed will let you can relax and enjoy good company, giving time to decompress and absorb the day’s learnings. Accommodation is provided in a luxury villa in Levi, Finland – a ten-minute drive from Kittilä airport – with all the amenities needed to ensure you return to the track refreshed and as sharp as your tyre’s spikes.

Practical information
Spirit of Speed events take place across four days, from early January to February, consisting of two travel days and two days driving. Prices start at €9,911 and courses include all except travel to and from Levi. Kittilä airport can be reached directly from a host of European cities. Further Arctic activities, including snowmobiling, husky and reindeer sledding can be arranged at extra cost.

Customer testimonials
“The professionalism exhibited by the entire team is top-notch, ensuring everything operates with precision, much like a well-oiled machine. The accommodation, catering, and overall service are of the highest quality, contributing significantly to the overall experience. The driving itself is an absolute thrill, pushing the limits in a fun yet safe environment.”
Carsten, Denmark

“Two of the best things I have done in my life was A – to go ice driving with Jan this year and B – to go ice driving with Jan last year.”
Kennet, Monaco

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