Mercedes-Benz takes gold and silver as the hottest used cars of 2024

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Data from Auto Trader, the UK’s largest automotive platform, has revealed that the Mercedes-Benz GLB Class was the hottest used car of 2024, taking a median of just 16 days to sell last year. Not content with taking the gold, the iconic German marque claimed silver too, with the A Class taking an average of 16.5 days to sell.

Whilst these models sold almost two weeks faster than the average used car in 2024, at an average of 30 days, used cars left forecourts at a rapid pace, selling two days quicker than in 2023. Positively, this trend has continued into the new year, with used cars currently selling in circa 39 days, which is three days faster than the same period last year. In fact, so far, January 2025 marks the fastest start to the year since Auto Trader’s records began in 2019[1].

Victory for voltage as EVs sell faster than any other fuel type
Although only making two appearances on the top 10 list of models, a more granular view of the market reveals that electric was the hottest overall fuel type last year, with electric vehicles (EV) taking a median of just 29 days to sell, faster than both its petrol (30) and diesel (31) counterparts. Highlighting the recent acceleration in demand for used electric, the average EV sold four days faster in the second half of the year than in the first[2]. This trend is further illustrated by comparing against previous years; indeed, used EVs are currently selling in just 35 days, a day faster than January 2024, and nearly two weeks faster than January 2023 (52 days).

An even deeper dive into Auto Trader’s data reveals that 3-5-year-old electric models sold at an even greater pace last year. In fact, EVs of this age group took just 23 days to sell, making it the fastest segment of the whole market. In contrast, a petrol car of the same age, took over 29 days to sell. This has continued into the new year, with these ‘middle-aged’ electrics selling more than a week faster than the average used car[3]. Conversely, ‘nearly new’ electric vehicles (up to a year old), are among the slowest selling used cars, taking an average of nearly 42 days to shift. ‘Nearly new’ used vehicles are taking longer to sell more broadly, with the average used car aged below 12 months lingering on forecourts for 34 days.

Price and affordability are the primary cause of this disparity: according to Auto Trader’s pricing data, which is based on over 800,000 daily pricing observations across the retail market, a nearly new electric car costs on average almost double the price of a 3–5-year-old model (£37,032 vs £19,386). More importantly, however, the average 3–5-year-old electric car has largely reached price parity with a petrol (£18,345) car of the same age, and notably cheaper than a diesel (£23,400).

Richard Walker, Data & Insight Director at Auto Trader commented: “Despite general tight belting at the moment, car buyers were still happy to indulge in premium used cars last year. Not only did Mercedes-Benz top the list, but most of 2024’s hottest used cars were pricier SUVs.

“We’ve entered January with real momentum, following a very positive market performance last year. Cars sold at a rapid pace, demand was very robust, and prices were stable. But 2024 really was the year of the used EV, especially for those ‘middle-aged’ models which have become more accessible than ever, helping demand rocket over the last 12 months or so. It shows that when the price is right, car buyers are more than happy to make the switch to electric.”

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