Maserati together with key technology and audio partners

Çok Okunanlar

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Maserati together with key technology and audio partners showcase Italian excellence and innovation with MC20 Cielo and Grecale SUV at CES 2025

Maserati today announced its collaboration with technology and audio partners Politecnico di Milan University (Politecnico di Milano), the Italian Association of the Automotive Industry (ANFIA), and Sonus faber with the MC20 Cielo and Grecale SUV at CES 2025, the world’s most powerful tech event, running January 7-10, 2025  in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Maserati’s ongoing partnership with Politecnico di Milano – Italy’s leading  scientific and technological University– continues with the unveiling of a  unique MC20 Cielo, featuring  an AI driver as part of the Artificial Intelligence Driving Autonomous (AIDA) project, developed by researchers at Politecnico di Milano.

AIDA is an ambitious research project led by Politecnico di Milano and MOST (the National Center for Sustainable Mobility), focused on testing and validating  autonomous driving on public roads. The project aims to develop reliable technology capable of performing safely and efficiently under real world conditions.

This unique super sports car represents  the second collaboration between Maserati and Politecnico di Milano. The first, a specialized MC20 Coupe featuring a robo-driver developed by the university, set a record by  reaching 285 km/h (177 mph) in dense fog  on the runway at Piacenza-San Damiano Air Base in Italy on November 7. This milestone  marked the fastest speed ever achieved by an AI-driven production car without human intervention.

At CES 2025,  the record-holding MC20 Coupe – under the helm of the PoliMOVE autonomous racing team (part of the AIDA |Performance section), will serve as the official Safety Car for the Autonomous Challenge at CES 2025 at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway which will run from 2-4 PM on Thursday, January 9. Concurrently, its MC20 Cielo successor will be displayed in the center of the Italian Trade Agency (ITA), The Italian Association of the Automotive Industry (ANFIA), and the Italian Garage Equipment Manufacturers Association  (AICA) booth in the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC), West Hall #3874 dedicated to Italian innovative technologies for connected mobility and autonomous vehicles.  This display is in partnership with Politecnico di Milano.

Politecnico di Milano and Maserati share a commitment to advanced technology and innovation, rooted in shared Italian heritage. This synergy has culminated in the creation of  the legendary MC20 and MC20 Cielo.

Joining the ranks of iconic  Italian Brands at CES, Maserati’s esteemed audio partner, Sonus faber, along with The McIntosh Group and Bose – Sonus faber’s new parent company – will showcase the latest innovations on January 7th and 8th, 2025. The Sonus faber team will  highlight exciting new products, technologies, and  immersive sound experiences at its dedicated booth space, located within and around the T-Mobile Arena. (A complimentary shuttle will be available to transport guests between the Las Vegas Convention Center and T-Mobile Arena upon request).

Sonus faber will feature two flagship Maserati Grecale SUVs – the Grecale Trofeo and Grecale Folgore – for a series of exclusive dynamic chauffeured test drives. These events will take place in the area surrounding the Arena and offer a unique opportunity to experience the exceptional sound quality of the Sonus faber High Premium sound system featured in both vehicles.

The Maserati Grecale comes  standard with the Sonus faber Premium Sound System, which features 14 independently driven speakers for  an unprecedented dynamic range. Additionally, the  High Premium Sonus faber Sound System, an optional upgrade, boasts  21 independently driven speakers for outstanding performance, smooth frequency response, and precise sound staging. The system  has been recognized  by the EISA Committee as The Best In-Car Sound System for both 2022 and 2023.

The MC20 and MC20 Cielo super sports cars continue to impress with groundbreaking Formula One-derived Nettuno engine technology and striking design elements, including butterfly doors. The MC20 Cielo features an innovative electrochromic (smart glass) retractable roof. The Grecale Trofeo, Maserati’s “Everyday Exceptional” SUV, strikes the perfect balance between sportiness and elegance, offering best-in-class interior space and a version of the Nettuno engine technology found in the MC20. The Grecale Folgore, Maserati’s first fully electric SUV, features 400-volt technology and a 105-kWh battery, delivering 542 hp and 605 lb-ft of torque—all designed and manufactured in Italy.

Diğer Haberler

5 ödül birden kazandı: Alpine, Dacia, Mobilize ve Renault

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