Isuzu secures second place in UK pick-up market with record-breaking sales in 2024

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2024 was a landmark year for Isuzu UK, marked by innovation, expansion, and record-breaking achievements. With the announcement of the groundbreaking D-Max BEV, previewing the exclusive Arctic Trucks AT37 model, and launching the rugged D-Max Mudmaster and the premium V-Cross STEEL Edition, Isuzu offered a diverse range of options to cater to an ever-growing customer base.

This commitment to versatility and quality has driven Isuzu UK to its best-ever sales year for the D-Max pick-up. A total of 6,574 vehicles were sold in 2024, surpassing the previous record of 6,318 vehicles sold in 2023 – a 4.1% year-on-year increase. This growth is particularly remarkable given the overall pick-up market saw an 8.3% decline in 2024, according to the latest SMMT data.1

The success of the Isuzu D-Max can be attributed to several key factors. Over 80% of customers chose the double cab version, highlighting its popularity among both professional and lifestyle drivers. The range-topping V-Cross model remained the most sought-after option, with the automatic transmission version emerging as the best-seller of the year.

December proved to be a standout month, accounting for 23% of Isuzu’s annual registrations, reinforcing its importance in driving sales momentum. Additionally, the limited-edition V-Cross STEEL Edition, launched with just 300 units, sold out swiftly, reflecting strong demand for premium offerings.

The Arctic Trucks AT35 model also celebrated a remarkable milestone, with 106 units sold in 2024, the highest figure achieved since the introduction of the latest generation model and a 9% increase over the previous year. This contributed to Isuzu’s overall growth and further cemented its reputation as a leader in the pick-up market.

These achievements propelled Isuzu to become the second-largest pick-up manufacturer in the UK by registrations, surpassing one of its key competitors. Holding a 17.5% market share in 2024, this accomplishment underscores the brand’s strength and appeal in a competitive market.

Alan Able, Managing Director of Isuzu UK, expressed his enthusiasm for the brand’s continued success: “Our achievements in 2024 are a testament to the strength of the Isuzu D-Max range, the dedication of our dealer network, and the loyalty of our customers. The fact that we’ve not only grown our sales but outperformed the overall market trend highlights the enduring appeal of our vehicles. We are proud to offer reliable, tough, and versatile pick-ups that meet the needs of a wide range of drivers, and we couldn’t have achieved this without the exceptional efforts of our dealers.”

Isuzu’s momentum shows no signs of slowing. The D-Max has already secured three prestigious awards for 2025, including Best Range, Best Back-Up, and Sustainability accolades from Overlander 4×4 magazine. With a new model launching this year, the D-Max’s popularity is set to continue growing, solidifying its place as one of the UK’s favourite pick-up trucks.

1SMMT (2024) Light Commercial Vehicle Registrations

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