Deliveries of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles in 2024 at same level as previous year

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Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles delivered a total of 408,300 vehicles to customers in 2024. The delivery figures are therefore at the same level as the previous year (2023: 409,400). The Caddy, Crafter and Multivan in particular achieved significant growth in the past year.

“2024 was a challenging year with a very strong first half and a difficult second half,” says Lars Krause, member of the Board of Management responsible for Sales, Marketing and Aftersales at Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (VWCV). “We were not only able to maintain our market share internationally, but also to further expand it in some markets, which is a great achievement. In Europe, we are the clear market leader in the B segment of battery-electric vans with our all-electric ID. Buzz.”

Incoming order figures reflect success of ID. Buzz model campaign
The model enhancements for the ID. Buzz with the GTX version1, long wheelbase and, for example, the all-wheel drive version of the ID. Buzz Cargo showed the first signs of success in 2024. With incoming orders increasing by over 70 per cent compared with 2023, market acceptance of the expanded model range and attractively priced variants is positive. In 2025, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles will continue to drive forward internationalisation and introduce the ID. Buzz in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Israel, Indonesia and Japan.

A strong finish for the Transporter 6.1
Production of the Transporter 6.1 ended in the middle of the year. “All customer orders were produced on time. It was a great team effort for which I would like to thank all employees,” says Krause. “I am also particularly pleased that we achieved strong growth of 44 per cent for our Multivan in 2024. At the end of the year, we handed over the first new California and new Transporter models to customers. The introduction of the new generation in the Bulli segment is thus now complete.“

Caddy remains on growth trajectory: 100,000 mark exceeded
After an increase of 13 per cent in the previous year, the Caddy once again experienced strong growth and, with an increase of 17.2 per cent, significantly exceeded the mark of 100,000 vehicles delivered. A total of 107,200 customers got their new Caddy in 2024, making the city delivery van the second strongest model in the VWCV range. In 2025, the Caddy will also enter the electric age: deliveries of the hybrid version with an electric range of up to 122 kilometres will begin this year.

2025: broad product portfolio and further internationalisation
With the host of new models introduced in the past year, the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles range has now been completely updated. This means that 2025 sees VWCV having the best and broadest product range in its history. With the new Transporter, the trio of ID. Buzz, Multivan and new Transporter is now complete – Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles therefore offers every customer the right vehicle to meet their individual needs.

Lars Krause: “We are continuing to drive forward internationalisation and have the right vehicles for our customers’ requirements with our highly efficient combustion engines, new all-electric and hybrid versions. For example, we have already gone to the USA in 2024 with a starting volume of the ID. Buzz and are seeing very positive response to our electric icon here as well.” And further: “We have lots planned for the new year and our portfolio is better positioned than ever before. This is a good thing, as we are facing challenging economic conditions in which customers – both private and commercial – are thinking more carefully before making an investment.”

Deliveries by product line
In 2024, 28,700 ID. Buzz vehicles were handed over to customers. This does not include the market launch volume of 1,300 ID. Buzz vehicles for North America, where the ID. Buzz has been available since November 2024.*

With 148,300 units delivered to customers, the T series remains the VWCV model with the highest sales volume. The first 1,000 new Transporter vehicles have already been delivered in selected markets. A further 17,600 California 6.1 vehicles have been delivered. Deliveries of the new California started in mid-December 2024. Multivan deliveries to customers increased significantly by 44.6 per cent.

A total of 52,200 Amarok vehicles were delivered to customers in 2024. 33,700 of which were the new Amarok from Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. This represents an increase of 55% compared with the previous year. A total of 18,400 first-generation Amaroks were handed over to customers in South America. In addition, the successor to the first-generation Amarok has already achieved 11,200 deliveries in South America*.

Caddy deliveries grew by 17.2 per cent to 107,200 units.
The Crafter saw an increase in deliveries of 8.3 per cent, reaching 72,000 vehicles in 2024.

ID. Buzz 28,700 (+0.0 per cent)
T series 148,300 (-5.5 per cent)
Amarok 52,200 (-20.7 per cent)
Caddy 107,200 (+17.2 per cent)
Crafter 72,000 (+8.3 per cent)
BEV share 7 per cent

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