Rolls-Royce Motor Cars opens application window for 2025 Apprentice Programme

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Rolls-Royce invites applications for its 2025 Apprentice Programme

Application window for our Level 6 roles will remain open until 2 March 2025

Application window for our Level 2 & 3 roles will remain open until 30 March 2025

Opportunities to gain practical training experience in departments and functions across the company, working alongside experienced colleagues

Apprentices study for nationally recognised qualifications through local further and higher education partners

“The Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Apprentice scheme is one of the most respected and prestigious of its kind in the country. We’re looking for young people interested in commercial roles as well as craft and manufacturing, so you don’t need to be a  STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) to apply – but if you are, this is one of the best places in the world to pursue an interest in engineering and technology. With qualifications available from Level 2 right up to Level 6, we have Apprenticeships suitable for everyone; from those leaving school at 16, to those seeking an alternative to a traditional university course. We look forward to receiving applications and meeting prospective candidates over the coming weeks.”
Mark Adams, Director of Human Resources, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Applications are now invited for the 2025 Rolls-Royce Apprenticeship Programme. The application window will remain open until 2 March 2025 for Level 6 roles and 30 March 2025 for Level 2 & 3 roles; applications can be made online, with open roles available to view on the Rolls-Royce Motor Cars careers portal.

A key facet of the Rolls-Royce Future Talent programme, which also includes Internships and Graduate Placements, the Apprenticeship scheme has run every year since 2006 and is one of the most respected and prestigious in the UK. It offers successful candidates outstanding training and development opportunities, designed to match their preferred learning styles and future career aspirations.

Rolls-Royce is seeking applications from young people with a wide range of prior experience, interests and educational backgrounds. Most Apprenticeships will begin in August 2025, with opportunities available in specialisms and at levels including:

Level 2 – two years, equivalent to GCSE

  • Interior Trim Centre
  • Vehicle Production
  • Industrial Sewing
  • Interior Surface Centre, Wood

Level 3 – three to four years, equivalent to A-Level

  • Exterior Surface Centre
  • Vehicle Paint Engineering and Maintenance
  • Metrology

Level 6 – four years, equivalent to undergraduate degree level

  • Production Control and Distribution (Project Management)
  • Technical Planning
  • Interior Trim Centre (Manufacturing Engineer)

Rolls-Royce has a carefully considered selection process that provides equal opportunity to prospective candidates, with the aim of ensuring the right candidate is placed in an appropriate role. It begins with completing our online application form and is followed by an introductory video interview, with questions pre-recorded by current Apprentices.

Successful candidates will be shortlisted for the final Assessment Centre stage at the end of April 2025, with all applicants receiving detailed feedback on their performance.

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