Aston Martin Vanquish Unveil Event

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VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Adrien Brody attends the launch of the new Aston Martin Vanquish on September 02, 2024 in Venice, Italy. Launched during the Venice International Film Festival, the flagship V12 model completes Aston Martin’s portfolio of next generation sports cars. (Photo by Dave Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd.)

VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Joe Alwyn attends the launch of the new Aston Martin Vanquish on September 02, 2024 in Venice, Italy. Launched during the Venice International Film Festival, the flagship V12 model completes Aston Martin’s portfolio of next generation sports cars. (Photo by Dave Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd.)

VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Poppy Delevingne attends the launch of the new Aston Martin Vanquish on September 02, 2024 in Venice, Italy. Launched during the Venice International Film Festival, the flagship V12 model completes Aston Martin’s portfolio of next generation sports cars. (Photo by Dave Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd.)

VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Joel Edgerton and Benedict Cumberbatch attend the launch of the new Aston Martin Vanquish on September 2, 2024 in Venice, Italy. Launched during the Venice International Film Festival, the flagship V12 model completes Aston Martin’s portfolio of next generation sports cars. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images for Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd.)

VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Sandy Powell attends the launch of the new Aston Martin Vanquish on September 02, 2024 in Venice, Italy. Launched during the Venice International Film Festival, the flagship V12 model completes Aston Martin’s portfolio of next generation sports cars. (Photo by Dave Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd.)

VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Michael Ward attends the launch of the new Aston Martin Vanquish on September 02, 2024 in Venice, Italy. Launched during the Venice International Film Festival, the flagship V12 model completes Aston Martin’s portfolio of next generation sports cars. (Photo by Dave Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd.)

VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Micheal Ward attends the launch of the new Aston Martin Vanquish on September 2, 2024 in Venice, Italy. Launched during the Venice International Film Festival, the flagship V12 model completes Aston Martin’s portfolio of next generation sports cars. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images for Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd.)

VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Daniel Craig and George Clooney attend the launch of the new Aston Martin Vanquish on September 2, 2024 in Venice, Italy. Launched during the Venice International Film Festival, the flagship V12 model completes Aston Martin’s portfolio of next generation sports cars. (Photo by Dave Benett/Getty Images for Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd.)

VENICE, ITALY – SEPTEMBER 02: Cailee Spaeny attends the launch of the new Aston Martin Vanquish on September 02, 2024 in Venice, Italy. Launched during the Venice International Film Festival, the flagship V12 model completes Aston Martin’s portfolio of next generation sports cars. (Photo by Dave Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd.)

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