Page 83 - Automobile Magazine - 9.YIL Özel Kasım Sayısı Türkçe-İngilizce E-Dergi.
P. 83

Ekosistem Geri Dönüşüm ISO 14001 gerekliliklerine göre oluşturduğu çevre   beple araç ihtiyacı duyan geliri sabit kalan tüketiciler 2. Ele yönelmiş durum-
         yönetim sistemini gönüllü ve bilinçli olarak kurmaya ve uygulamaya kararlıdır.   dalar. Fiyat artışının ve talebin yüksek olması ise araç alım satım işini cazip
         Temel amacımız, ticari ve sınai varlığımızı çevre ile barışık biçimde sürdürme-  hale getirmiş durumda. Durum böyle olduğunda da ticaretin araç üzerinden
         ktir. Firmamızda ÖTA hurda araçların temininden başlayarak her noktada,   yapılması nakit anlamı taşır durumuna getirdi. Rakamlara bakacak olursak
         değerlendirilebilecek atık aşamasına kadar çevre etkilerini en aza indirecek   2. elde satılan araç adedi 7 milyon civarında gözükmektedir. Önümüzdeki
         sistemi kuracağız, uygulayacağız ve takipçisi olacağız.   kısa vadede şekilleneceğini bu durumun devam edeceği şekilde ve özellikle
         Çevre performansımızı sürekli artıracak çalışmaları ve projeleri her zaman   2. el araçların yatırım enstrümanı olarak kalacağı öngörülmektedir.
         oluşturacak ve hayata geçireceğiz. Malzeme, su, yakıt ve zamandan müm-
         kün olan en fazla tasarrufu sağlamak için çalışacağız. Çevre çalışmalarını
         en son bilgilerle ve tüm personelin katılımıyla sürdürmek daimi hedefimizdir.
         Yatırımlarımızı, çevreyi kirletmeden gerçekleştireceğimize ve çevre mevzuatı-
         na uyacağımızı taahhüt etmekteyiz.
         Soru- Sizce, Otomotiv hala yatırım aracı mı?
         Cevap - Dövizin yükselmesi maliyet girdilerinin yükselmesine sebep veriyor
         ve bu nedenle sıfır araç fiyatları her geçen gün yükseliyor. Tabi Ötv artışı da
         bu yükselmeyi tetikliyor. Otomotiv üreticilerinin 2-3 yıl içinde elektrikliye geçiş
         planları bulunuyor ve bununla birlikte arz daralıyor. Aynı zamanda Pandemi’
         den dolayı da araç üretimi kısıtlı kalıp, lojistik tedarik ağları yavaşlıyor. Araç
         fiyatlarının yüksekliği, araç kiralama firmalarını 3 yaşından sonra parklarını
         satmak yerine 5 yıla çıkarmalarına neden olurken bu durum piyasaya araç
         arzını engelliyor. Bir yandan da faiz artışı yükselen araçların üzerinde fiyat
         artışı oluşturuyor. 2020 yılında bu sebeplerle; Çok hızlı fiyat artışlarından se-

        Question - Telli Group is at the forefront of   arising from damages in motor own damage   partner in the damaged vehicle sector. It offers
        your brands for the automotive industry. First,   and traffic branches.  As of 2020, we manage   our customers a professional solution partnership
        could you give us brief information about   the bulk purchase model and file processes of   with different payment options, central locations,
        AUTOGONG?                            vehicles subject to curtain in a total of 8 Insur-  accurate evaluation system, professional work-
        Answer -  Autogong, established in 2013 with   ance Companies. Our aim in this direction; to   flow and support for buyers and sellers of dam-
        31 years of experience, is Online Automotive   create service quality and satisfaction. We have   aged parts. Ecosystem Recycling is determined
        Tender Portal and structured in Istanbul Maslak   always shared the pain of the insured, as Aksam   to establish and implement the environmental
        Headquarters; It is an online bidding platform that   Auto family, we aim to solve not only business   management system it has created in accor-
        provides the strongest performance for sec-  but also difficult times quickly. Aksam takes over   dance with ISO 14001 requirements, voluntarily
        ond-hand vehicles to insurance companies, fleet   the transfer of the insured by issuing the relevant   and consciously. Our main goal is to maintain our
        owner companies, leasing companies, financial   registration certificate (towing / scrap certificate)   commercial and industrial presence in harmony
        institutions, insurance companies, member   in the vehicles of the insured and conducts   with the environment. In our company, we will
        galleries, authorized dealers and consumers for   100% satisfaction-oriented processes as soon   establish, implement and monitor a system that
        damaged, scrapped and stolen vehicles. In 2013,   as possible. We bring some of the vehicles we   will minimize environmental impacts at every point
        Autogong supported insurance companies, fleet   take over to our Maslak and Samandıra Branches   from the procurement of ELV scrap vehicles to
        leasing companies, end consumers, services,   in Istanbul, and some of them are sold in closed   the waste stage that can be evaluated. We will al-
        automotive dealers and experts, and brokered   / open auctions through the Autogong Auction   ways create and implement studies and projects
        the annual sale of 72,000 vehicles on the online   System via retail hot sale method.  that will increase our environmental performance.
        bidding portal. In 2021, this number is expected   Question -  As Telli Group, what kind of   We will try to save material, water, fuel and time   83
        to be 100,000 per year. Used, damaged, stolen   services and after-service processes do you   as much as possible. It is our permanent goal
        vehicles sold by Autogong, Insurance and fleet   provide for your Birikim Evim brand,    to continue environmental studies with the latest
        leasing companies Turkey has established a cen-  especially for those who are considering    knowledge and participation of all personnel.
        tral parking location to end the housing problem   purchasing a vehicle?  Question - Is automotive still an investment
        posed in the parking lot. Our customers prevent   Answer - With our Birikimevim brand, we   vehicle?
        dissatisfaction by notifying them when neces-  enable our customers to reach their dream car,   Answer - The increase in foreign currency leads   MAGAZINE.COM.TR
        sary and pulling these vehicles to the parks with   regardless of brand or model, with little savings   to an increase in cost inputs and therefore zero
        Autogong. Autogong operation structuring has   and without paying interest. We provide financing   vehicle prices are increasing day by day. Of
        been planned with 100% customer satisfaction in   support by determining the installment amounts   course, the increase in Ötv also triggers this
        mind. Autogong handles all document comple-  according to the payment ability of our cus-  increase. Automotive manufacturers are planning
        tion and sales processes itself to ensure smooth   tomers. The basic fact of interest-free financing   to switch to electricity within 2-3 years, and with
        transfer. When necessary, the withdrawal of the   systems in our country is undoubtedly accumula-  this, the supply is also decreasing.  At the same
        vehicles and other official forms are completed by   tion. On this road we set out for your happiness,   time, vehicle production is limited and logistics   AUTOMOBILE
        us. In a nutshell, Autogong offers payment and   our biggest goal is to shed light on our future by   supply networks are slowing down due to the
        transfer services to ensure smooth transactions   saying “We Gather Our Future Together”.    Pandemic.  High vehicle prices cause car rental
        between buyers and sellers.          All our customers over the age of 20 can   companies to increase their car parks to 5 years
        Question - Well, can we get information about   purchase vehicles up to 200,000 km in small   instead of selling after the age of 3, preventing
        the creation and opening of your AKSAM   installments; They can be purchased as new,   vehicle supply to the market.  On the other hand,
        brand and site, and your Aksam works?  second-hand and heavily damaged vehicles.   the increase in interest rates creates a price
        Answer - Aksam Automotive Inc. was estab-  Although these types of vehicles are more limited   increase in rising vehicles.  For these reasons, in
        lished in 2001 with its knowledge and experi-  in our industry, it does not matter whether they   2020; Consumers, whose income remains stable
        ence based on 31 years of commercial history.   are new, second hand or heavily damaged.  due to rapid price increases, turn to 2nd Hand.
        “Determines sector dynamics and turns them   Question - Could you tell our readers about   The high price increase and high demand made
        into permanent solutions.” We operate in the field   your Ecosystem and Ecosystem sites and   the vehicle buying and selling business attractive.
        of evaluation of damaged vehicles belonging to   your brands?            As such, trading on the vehicle means cash. If
        Insurance Companies with the slogan. With the   Answer - It is the first Recycling Facility estab-  we look at the numbers, the number of second
        business model we have developed as a part of   lished within Telli Group in 2009 to produce solu-  hand vehicles sold seems to be around 7 million.
        it, we realize the operational and bureaucratic   tions for ecosystem damaged, scrap and waste   It is estimated that this situation will continue to
        workloads with the desired performance and   parts and to bring these parts to the economy.   take shape in the short term, and second-hand
        efficiency by ensuring optimum efficiency in   With its financial strength and expertise in the   vehicles will continue to be an investment tool.
        compensation payments of insurance companies   sector, it is a reliable, strong brand and solution

                                                                                                       Kasım - November 2020
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