Page 79 - Automobile Magazine - 9.YIL Özel Kasım Sayısı Türkçe-İngilizce E-Dergi.
P. 79

lthough it is difficult to tell which car was the first car in history, the Benz   reliability and high efficiency. Because the engine of an electric vehicle has only five mov-
                Patent Motorwagen, which was released in 1886 by Karl Benz which had   ing parts, but there are hundreds of parts inthe internal combustion engine. However,in-
                the first internal combustion engine, is considered the first car. Meanwhile,   ternal combustion engines still maintain their popularity because of the fact of still long
                as a result of the changes made by Rudolf Diesel on an engine prototype   charging the batteries of electric vehicles, not enough charging stations and insufficient
        Adeveloped by Niepce Brothers in 1807, the Diesel engine has emerged. The   distance of electric cars.Meanwhile, considering all R&D in the last century has been
        first diesel cars were cars with Bosch injection engines produced by Daimler-Benz in the   devoted to internal combustion engines and has just turned to electric engines for only a
        1930s. 51 years before the Benz Patented Motorwagen, which is accepted as the first   few years, with the development to be done in the field of batteries will be concluded with
        car, the first electric motor vehicle was invented by Davenport in Vermont, USA. At the   more efficient and cost-effective productions and widespreation of electric vehicles will
        same time, another electric vehicle was invented by Robert Anderson in Aberdeen, Scot-  be inevitable. At this point,hybrid cars have become an important alternative during the
        land, between 1832-1839. By 1897, electric cars were very popular and the first electric   development process of electric cars although they are not a complete solution since
        taxis took place on the streets of New York. In the same year, Pope Manufacturing Cor-  they use internal combustion engines.  The low efficiency and slow development of oth-
        poration becomes the first large-scale American electric car manufacturer in Connecti-  er alternative environmental-friendly engines make this alternative stronger. Today espe-
        cut. By 1900, electric vehicles begin to experience their golden age. 28 percent of cars   cially in Europe and the U.S. There are serious incentives for hybrid and electric vehicles
        manufactured in the United States were powered by electricity, and electric cars ac-  such as tax breaks and free parking. Albeit late, governments are working on directing
        counted for about a third of all vehicles in cities such as New York, Boston, and Chicago.   people to environmentalist vehicles. The best example in this regard is the northern Eu-
        The demand for electric cars was higher than for petrol cars. Electric vehicles were pre-  ropean country “Norway”. Electric vehicles accounted for 42.4 percent of all cars sold in
        ferred because of the vibration, noise and sound problems in gasoline-powered vehicles.   Norway and became the world leader in this field. One of the most striking cities in this
        However, in 1908 Henry Ford introduced the Model T, the new gasoline car that it had   regard is Amsterdam, one of Europe’s most problematic cities in air pollution. Electric
        put into mass production. Ford’s move has not only completely changed the American   vehicles in Amsterdam have increased their number significantly in the last few years and
        car market, but has affected the car’s structure for more than a century. Although the   this situation has a positive effect on air pollution. The Amsterdam city council has an-
        same vehicle has come to the fore as a modern vehicle with a new electric motor devel-  nounced plans to ban petrol and diesel cars, leaving only electric ones by 2030. In fact,
        oped by Edison, the internal combustion vehicle has become more popular due to a   this plan has been enacted or is waiting to be enacted, especially in many European
        number of reasons such as the longer range of the vehicle and the easier access to   countries. And as someone who has been passionate about cars since childhood, and
        gasoline. In 1912, very popular electric cars were replaced by gasoline-powered cars,   who also loves and respectsnature and humanity, I believe environmental-friendly vehi-
        which  were  cheaper  because  of  mass  production,  and  the  automobile  sector  was   cles are a necessity for the future of ourselves, our loved ones and the world.
        formed by the domination of internal combustion engines. However, before the internal
        combustion engines took over, electric cars had many speed and distance records.
        Besides, they were more environmental-friendly, easy to use and comfortable. Although
        they both originated at the same time, it is not surprising that the internal combustion
        engine became popular and electric motors were shelved for many economic and polit-
        ical reasons. However, by the time that internal combustion engines productions started,
        the population of the world was 8/1 of today, about a 1 billion, and considering thetrace
        amount of people who could own a car and today’s numbers, I believe there is no place
        anymore for internal combustion engines, especially diesel engines. Today, cars cause
        26% of the world’s energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which is
        the second largest consumption and emissions after the industry sector. Considering the
        increasing population in today’s world where the effects of global warming are being felt
        and the diseases caused by environmental pollution are increasing shows us this situa-
        tion is not sustainable. In fact, from the 1960s the emergence of the air pollution prob-                     79
        lems and because of less damage to the environment, electric vehicles got on the agen-
        da in the 1970s again. The increase in gasoline prices due to the OPEC Oil Crisis in 1973,
        led to the emergence of the search for an alternative to gasoline vehicles, and studies on
        electric vehicles gained speed again in this period, and as a result in 1974, Vanguard-Se-
        bring’s CitiCar with a speed of more than 30 miles and a driving capacity of 50 kilometers
        has emerged. By 1975, the company took its place among the sixth largest automaker                              MAGAZINE.COM.TR
        in the US, but just a few years later it was dissolved. With the Clean Air Law Amendment
        and Energy Policy Law in the 1990s and the supports on investments in this field, electric
        vehicles started to be on the agenda again. General Motors has completed the produc-
        tion of EV1, which was called “the world’s most efficient production vehicle”. In 1996,
        1,117 rented vehicles were made available only to those in California, Arizona and Geor-
        gia. Although the vehicle was appreciated, it was collected after a certain period of time
        due to the expiry of the rental period and was thrown into the junkyard. Due to the                             AUTOMOBILE
        charging and battery problems of electric vehicles, hybrid cars have come to the fore as
        an alternative. In 1997, a new era was opened in this field when Toyota produced the
        Prius, the world’s first commercially marketed and mass-produced hybrid car. Approxi-
        mately 18,000 cars were sold in the first year and 50,000 cars were sold on the global
        market in the same year. Following Toyota’s move, models such as Honda’s EV Plus,
        G.M.’s EV1, Ford’s Ranger peak up EV, Nissan’s Altra EV, Chevy’s S-10 EV and Toyota’s
        RAV4 EV were produced by major automakers between 1997 and 2000. In 2006, Tesla
        took a revolutionary step in electric vehicles. Unlike other electric cars, Tesla’s car was
        designed to travel 200 kilometerswith a single charge and in 2011 reached a range of
        240 kilometers with a car was named Roadster.This vehicle stood out with its clear su-
        periority when compared to vehicles in its segment. For example, comparing to Bugatti
        Chironit was faster, its range was longer and its price was almost 12/1.  Electric vehicles
        are superior to internal combustion engine vehicles in many aspects such as perfor-
        mance, noise and vibration, gear shifting, efficiency and driving pleasure. It has no alter-
        native, especially in terms of CO2 emission and fuel consumption. And as a Toyota Co-
        rolla user, I’ve tried both gasoline and hybrid models and I would like to say that strongly
        prefer the hybrid version of this car. In addition, electric vehicles have a significant advan-
        tage over conventional internal combustion engine vehicles due to their simple structure,
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