Cumartesi, Mart 15, 2025

‘Park & Pay’ functionality from Parkopedia now available in CUPRA models

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London, UK / Martorell, Spain
Parkopedia and SEAT S.A. are working together to enable convenient in-car payments for parking. CUPRA drivers are now able to access seamless ‘Park & Pay’ in-car payment functionality, allowing them to make parking payments with ease, without leaving the vehicle.

This takes the stress out of finding parking machines when arriving at car parks and bypasses issues such as out-of-order machines, not having the right change, card payment issues and more. This service is powered by Parkopedia, with a comprehensive location database and Payment Platform for on-demand in-car payments across both on-street and off-street locations.

This new functionality is currently available on CUPRA Born and Tavascan models with the CUPRA Navi system across 17 European countries1. The service is planned to be added to the remaining CUPRA range and SEAT models during 2025.

European drivers have a significant interest in in-car payments, with nearly two-thirds wanting to be able to pay for parking through their in-car infotainment system, according to the latest Parkopedia Global Driver Survey. This makes parking the service drivers request most for in-car payments, highlighting the often inconvenient process of paying for car parking and the negative impact this can have on the driving experience.

Recognising the strong driver interest in in-car payments for parking, Markus Dohl, VP Sales & BD Europe at Parkopedia, said: “European motorists have a particular interest in being able to access in-car payments for parking, so we are pleased to be working with SEAT S.A. to provide this valued service for their drivers, unlocking seamless payments for parking sessions and adding convenience to their journeys. We look forward to the roll-out of this service to the rest of the SEAT and CUPRA model range in 2025.”

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