Cumartesi, Mart 15, 2025

Polestar creates collection of Arctic Circle cars to showcase Swedish performance DNA

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GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN – January 2025. Polestar has created a new collection of unique ‘Arctic Circle’ cars that build onto the formula applied to the one-of-a-kind Polestar 2 Arctic Circle first shown in 2022. Now, additional Polestar 3 and Polestar 4 versions have been built to present a complete line-up of rally-inspired, one-off Arctic Circle cars that express the Swedish brand’s performance DNA. The three cars will make their public debut at the 2025 FAT Ice Race in Zell am See, Austria, on 1 February.

Michael Lohscheller, Polestar CEO, says: “The Arctic Circle collection illustrates our unique performance DNA, rooted in motorsport and combined with Scandinavian design. We develop our cars under challenging conditions within the Arctic Circle in Sweden, and at the FAT Ice Race we will showcase that on ice there is nothing better than a Polestar. We are really excited to be part of this special event with our full model line-up, where it’s all about car culture and the performance experience.”

Born in the world of motorsport and expertly integrated by Polestar’s Head of Driving Dynamics, Joakim Rydholm, Polestar’s performance DNA is partly developed and perfected in the specifically challenging environment within the Arctic Circle in northern Sweden. With multiple Swedish rally podium finishes  to his name and over 30 years in motorsport, Joakim and the Polestar Design and Brand teams have applied the rally formula to the complete Polestar model range, with each car exhibiting slightly different characteristics.

Joakim Rydholm says: “We created something truly special when we worked on the Polestar 2 Arctic Circle, and to now apply that formula to our two new SUVs has been a fun and challenging task. We have worked closely with our leading technology partners to bring bespoke engineering solutions to these cars that emphasise our performance DNA – and make them incredibly fun to drive.”

Built at one of Polestar’s Swedish R&D facilities, the general formula of raised ride height with custom 3-way adjustable Öhlins dampers, specialised Pirelli studded tyres, OZ Racing wheels (world premiere of the new ‘Rally Legend’), new Quad Evo front spotlights from Stedi, and bucket seats from Recaro, give the cars a rally flavour. Then, accessories are applied to the vehicles in different executions, including skis, roof racks, storage solutions and recovery equipment – bringing additional Polestar brand partnerships to the fore.

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