Cumartesi, Mart 15, 2025

Paws-itive news for dog lovers

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Paws-itive news for dog lovers: New research shows dogs prefer electric cars for stress-free journeys

 It’s official – dogs really do feel more relaxed and less woof when travelling in electric cars. A new study carried out by Veterinary Surgeon, Dog Expert and This Morning’s resident vet, Dr Scott Miller, found canines are ‘more relaxed’ when travelling in an EV in comparison to fuel powered cars.

The research involved monitoring a dog’s heart rate when travelling in three cars with different fuel types – electric, diesel and petrol. One year-old Cocker Spaniel Mango was driven around a private track in three different Škoda models. Reaching speeds of up to 70 mph, Mango’s behaviour was monitored during each drive and his pulse rate checked after each journey, with significant results.

Remarkably, Mango’s resting heart rate of 80 beats per minute (BPM) only rose to 100 BPM in the new Elroq. In contrast, his heart rate surged to 120 BPM and 125 BPM in the petrol and diesel cars, respectively, indicating higher stress levels.

What’s more, Mango appeared to be more relaxed in the Elroq, lying down and almost falling asleep during the drive. In the fuel-powered cars he appeared more distracted and less settled.

The experiment was conducted to mark Škoda’s continued sponsorship of Crufts, the world’s largest dog show, and took place at the former Top Gear test track in Surrey.

Commenting on the results, Dr Scott Miller said: “The experiment clearly shows the health and psychological benefits of travelling in an EV for dogs. Observing Mango’s reactions while travelling at the same speed on the same track, but in different vehicles, made it clear that the EV provided a smoother and more calming experience.

“The quiet mechanics, absence of gear changes, and the spacious interiors of electric cars create a soothing environment for dogs, ensuring a more relaxed and happy travel experience for our furry companions.”

The results are further supported by a survey of 1,500 dog-owning drivers, revealing that nearly a third (32%) worry about their dog’s anxiety during car journeys. It’s not just raised stress levels that have dog owners’ tails in a twist, concerns about their pet’s safety (38%), lack of space (7%), and difficulty securing their dog safely (7%) were also highlighted.

The survey from Škoda found that 53% of dog owners hit the road with their pets at least once a week however, more than half (54%) have avoided driving with their dog altogether, and 51% would steer clear of specific journeys if their pup had to come along.

For those who do brave the open road, the biggest doggie deal-breaker drives include long motorway or A-road trips (50%), journeys over 30 miles (46%), and navigating busy built-up areas (40%).

Our four-legged friends hold such a special place in our lives that nearly half (41%) of dog owners would even factor their hound’s comfort into choosing their next car. And, with almost a third (31%) believing EVs offer a quieter, comfier ride, it’s clear that dog-friendly driving is a growing priority when choosing a new family car.

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