Cumartesi, Mart 15, 2025

Kia highlights apprentice stories for National Apprenticeship Week ‘Celebration Friday’

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Kia is marking National Apprenticeship Week’s ‘Celebration Friday’ with inspiring apprentice stories and showcasing the talent, success, and accomplishments possible with a Kia Apprenticeship.

The Kia Academy
Kia opened the doors of its brand-new training centre, the Kia Academy, just over one year ago to usher in a new generation of apprenticeships through its partnership with Skillnet, the UK’s largest provider of apprenticeships to the automotive industry. Kia has developed a bespoke apprenticeship programme with a focus on education in electrification, including apprenticeships for Light Vehicle Technician, Service Advisor and Combined Service and Parts Advisor.

Kia Apprenticeships
Kia Apprenticeships begin with one of Kia’s dealer partners posting a job, which is where the apprentice will spend their working day. Apprentices are then invited to an appraisal meeting with Skillnet to decide suitability of the apprenticeship and from there, the story begins. Unlike a university or college course, apprentices earn as they learn, working and learning on the job, while benefiting from the state-of-the-art technical training provided by the Kia Academy.

Apprentices can obtain the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to not only become an expert Kia technician or Customer Service Advisor, but also ensure they have a successful career with Kia whilst maximising personal growth.

At the end of Kia Apprenticeships, graduates have the option to continue their career progression with a Higher Apprenticeship (Level 4 or 5) to further develop their skills.

Inspiring Apprenticeships
The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) announced the winners of its 2024 IMI World Skills Competitions on 26 November 2024. With more than 700 nominations, and a year-long application and assessment process, Karl Wilson, a Kia Apprentice with dealer SG Petch Kia Darlington was one of only four apprentices to achieve the winning gold for Light Vehicle Technology. It was the largest competition of its type, with representation from across the UK.

Karl commented: “I am proud to be a part of the team at SG Petch and myself for passing the first test to become in the top 10% of people who have ever taken the test, which is an achievement in itself. I would also like to thank the Kia Academy and staff as the facility there has also helped with my apprenticeship, and it is an amazing experience to be a part of.”

Real apprentice stories
Kia Apprentices come from all walks of life and locations. Everyone has their own story and reasons, but they all have one thing in common: They are interested in and have a passion for vehicles, technology and wish to have a more hands-on approach to both learning and work.

Alexander Badcock, Brayley’s Kia Enfield, had already started a university degree in sport and exercise science before deciding it wasn’t for him.

He commented: “It was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. When I left, I was working full time as a delivery driver while I found my feet and worked out what I wanted to do. I then applied to Skillnet and they found me my workplace and sent me for an interview. Once my interview was complete, I was offered the job while I was on my way home.

“I had just begun my time at Brayleys Kia Enfield, and I was able to complete my first clutch change completely alone in less than a day. I had never done one before, so this was really satisfying and gave me a great sense of achievement.”

“Someone interested in the motor industry to become a Light Vehicle Technician should choose the Kia brand because it is a company that’s investing a lot of money into learning. Through the new training centre, with a wide range of different cars and equipment, you can further knowledge with relatable tutors whose sessions offer both interactive and practical knowledge, so you can learn from their experiences in the motor trade.”

Leah Burkinshaw, Perrys Kia Huddersfield, was always interested in electrics and did an L2 course in Electrical Installation at college before moving over to an apprenticeship with Kia.

She commented: “It piqued my interest and it requires my problem solving skills and is very hands on, which I enjoy.

“I am especially excited by the release of the forthcoming PBV vans. Due to the expansion of Kia, I feel there will be an infinite number of things for me to learn and my knowledge will continue to expand during my apprenticeship and beyond. I also found the Kia Apprenticeship attractive because the Kia Academy setup is very efficient and organised, making it easier to progress in my apprenticeship and complete my work sufficiently. The end goal is to become a Master Technician.”

Finley Thompson, Brindley Kia Wolverhampton, was an automotive fan working a part-time job and studying sixth form.

Finley commented: “After extensive research on the programme, I found that Kia offers an organised course with a personal skills coach. I would highly encourage anybody considering starting the Kia Apprenticeship. I feel this apprenticeship works alongside you and the programme cares about you. The teams are supportive and always there to help if you need them. The bulk of in-centre learning that takes place is well laid out and effective to aid my learning journey.”

Daniel Smart, who has finished his Kia Apprenticeship is now working towards his Master Technician certification, Level 4 EV qualification and MOT licence. He began working part-time at a Kia dealership while doing a Level 2 Light Vehicle college course before joining the Kia Apprenticeship programme.

Offering a post-programme perspective, Daniel said: “Kia stood out to me as an innovative company making significant moves in the motor industry and I wanted to be part of that. The high-quality training centre, technologically advanced vehicles and clear commitment to excellence made Kia the ideal choice for my apprenticeship.

“Any aspiring technician should consider Kia’s apprenticeship programme because it offers top-tier training with a globally respected manufacturer. The programme provides hands-on experience, industry-leading education and a clear path to career growth within an innovative and truly inspirational company.”

Kia’s own apprentices
Kia’s own Technical Training Manager and Centre Manager at the Kia Academy both started their automotive careers following apprenticeships, truly demonstrating the career opportunities an apprentice can offer.

Mark Godson, Technical Training Manager at the Kia Academy, said: “I started my career as an apprentice many moons ago, having initially joined the Army but an injury put a stop to that. My apprenticeship paved the way for me to get into the automotive industry and ultimately kicked off my love of training. Working at the Kia Academy is a wonderful experience, as it’s clear just how much investment the brand is putting behind the next generation of skilled technicians, and the Kia Apprentices benefit enormously from this. They can see, touch and feel how much they are valued and for many of them, it may be their first time away from home, so it’s important to them and us that they feel welcome and at home.”

Mark Daley, Centre Manager at the Kia Academy who works for Skillnet, said: “I’ve always been a great advocate for apprenticeships. University and College have their place, of course, but they’re not for everyone and apprenticeships offer a vital alternative that’s a lot more hands-on, particularly when it comes to working with vehicles.

“Having started as an apprentice myself means I am able to relate to the sorts of feelings our students are going through when they start their learning journey with us in particular. Our duty of care is actually just as important as the course itself, so we teach things like first aid and about earning money, mortgages and basic accounting as a part of the course – these are life skills that are often missing in other fields of education.

“Our apprentices are a core part of the successful future of the automotive industry too, learning on the job and with dedicated high-quality training on the latest Kia cars – and soon vans too. So, it’s absolutely essential that we foster their learning and the Kia Academy is the place where that happens every day.”

There are currently around 60 Kia Apprenticeships available via Kia’s apprenticeship partner Skillnet, in coordination with Kia’s dealer partners where apprentices work and earn as they learn.

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