Cumartesi, Mart 15, 2025

GM Design Chief Michael Simcoe to retire after 42 years

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General Motors announced that Michael Simcoe, senior vice president, GM Global Design, will retire after a 42-year career with the company, effective July 1, 2025.

Simcoe will be succeeded by Bryan Nesbitt, currently executive director, Global Cadillac Design. Nesbitt will lead GM Global Design, effective July 1 – becoming just the eighth GM Design chief in nearly a century. Simcoe will remain in his current role until July 1 to ensure a smooth handover.

“Michael is a visionary designer and leader,” said GM President Mark Reuss. “He has elevated automotive design not just at GM, but the world over. Under his leadership, GM Design has created a stunning vehicle portfolio that customers love. His focus on the customer, keen eye for detail, and an emphasis on the future made Michael everything we could have asked for in a chief designer. He also fostered a deep, collaborative relationship with engineering and manufacturing to push the boundaries of creativity and execution. Michael and his team have cemented design as a fundamental competitive advantage for GM.

“At the same time, we’re thrilled to have Bryan step up to lead GM Design, where he will use his considerable talent and formidable leadership skills to take us into the future,” Reuss added. “He has a long history with all our brands, and a deep understanding of our customers. As seen in his recent work at Cadillac, his design statements are only getting better and bolder.”

Cadillac’s latest concept vehicles – Opulent Velocity and SOLLEI – were brought to life under Nesbitt’s guidance.

“I am honored to lead GM Design, which is home to some of the industry’s most talented and creative people. Our company, along with GM Design, has built momentum, and I’m committed to building on that ethos of vision, execution, and collaboration. Design will continue to be at the leading edge of identifying and adopting new technologies to improve speed to market and help meet the needs of customers into the future. Great design will always be the cornerstone of every vehicle we create,” said Bryan Nesbitt.

Simcoe instilled a culture of excellence, always keeping customer needs and wants at the heart of GM’s designs. He reshaped the organization to deliver products with a focus on detail and execution, combined with a creative spirit and a technology-driven ethos that’s inspiring growth in areas like electrification, autonomy, and user experience.

Under Simcoe, GM’s design studios have executed numerous award-winning products, including the Cadillac LYRIQ; GMC HUMMER EV; and Chevrolet’s Equinox EV.

Simcoe also championed the inception and execution of GM’s flagship Design West studio campus, located on GM’s Global Technical Center campus in Warren, Michigan. Purpose-built to foster collaboration and accelerate GM’s transformation, it will stand as an enduring legacy.

“It has been humbling to be a part of shaping the future of transportation and evolving automotive design, while ensuring that the intersection of art and technology is core to GM Design and our business,” Simcoe said. “GM has some of the most gifted designers and artisans in the world. My job has been to create the environment, and give them the tools, to flourish and bring our vision to life. Under Bryan’s leadership, I know GM Design will continue to drive the company forward. He shares my belief in our team’s creative talent and their potential, and I’m excited to see how the next generation of GM Design influences the automotive landscape.”

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