Cumartesi, Mart 15, 2025

GM Defense to provide Suburban Shield armored vehicles to Qatar Armed Forces

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GM Defense is providing next generation Suburban Shield armored vehicles to the Qatar Armed Forces and Special Forces Command for protected diplomatic security and VIP transport.

The Suburban Shield is based on General Motors’ full-size pickup truck and sport utility vehicle architecture. The vehicle features a high percentage of commercial parts, including the body, exterior, propulsion, interior, and brakes.

Suburban Shield includes a new and unique body-on-frame chassis and suspension system, designed to support increased vehicle weight and performance requirements. The vehicle leverages digital engineering and GM’s global quality management system to realize efficiencies throughout the development phase while ensuring the highest levels of quality and performance.

“GM Defense’s next-generation Suburban Shield offers the Qatar Armed Forces unrivaled performance thanks to GM’s advanced technologies,” said Steve duMont, president of GM Defense. “We engineered the Suburban Shield from the ground up as a protected vehicle using GM’s world-class process and tools to deliver the reliability and quality expected from a GM vehicle. We’re confident the vehicle will help the Qatar Armed Forces effectively carry out their important diplomatic security missions and are excited to see Suburban Shield introduce a new level of sophistication to protected vehicles in the region.”

GM Defense incorporates protective armor into the original design and manufacturing process, diverging from previous after-market, tear-down and rebuild practices. New design features help ensure the vehicle is safe and reliable, while meeting GM’s stringent commercial standards.

“Our OEM-provided solution benefits from GM’s world-class technologies, engineering and validation capabilities, and global quality management systems that traditional defense contractors don’t offer,” said Bradley Watters, vice president of international business development for GM Defense. “With Suburban Shield, GM Defense delivers a one-of-a-kind solution that outperforms previous generation vehicles. We’re proud to offer this capability to the Qatar Armed Forces that will help replace their legacy platforms.”

Suburban Shield includes independent armoring certification with options and configurations to suit customer requirements.

GM Defense also provides customized Suburban Shields to the U.S. Department of State’s (DoS) Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) in support of its Heavy-Duty armored Sport Utility Vehicle program. The company recently completed some of the first production vehicles for the law enforcement and security arm of the DoS.

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