Genesis and Genesis Inspiration Foundation support steam education and art programs in Louisiana

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NEW ORLEANS, – Genesis and Genesis Inspiration Foundation recently supported STEAM education and art programs in the state of Louisiana. Genesis Gives, the corporate social responsibility initiative of Genesis Motor America, implemented a STEAM workshop at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana in Lafayette, where students had the opportunity to learn concepts in product planning and build future mobility vehicles made from upcycled materials. Genesis Inspiration Foundation also donated $10,000 to Young Audiences of Louisiana, a leading provider of arts education and integration programs in the community.

“At Genesis, we are committed to supporting the next generation of engineers, artists, and leaders,” said Brandon Ramirez, director, corporate social responsibility, Genesis Motor America. “STEAM programs are an essential part of a child’s education and development, and art can unlock creativity and boost students’ performance in an academic setting. The benefits of these initiative are impactful, which is why we are proud to help bring more of these programs to areas that might not have immediate access to them.”

Genesis Inspiration Foundation presented a $10,000 donation to Young Audiences of Louisiana, whose mission is to inspire, engage, and unite children and communities through education, arts, and culture. The organization brings arts education to students of all ages, hosting school performances, conducting arts integrated instruction across the curriculum, offering community based arts programs, as well as providing professional development for teachers. All of these programs are designed to create an environment of learning that allows children to develop cognitively, socially, and emotionally. Genesis Inspiration Foundation is dedicated to connecting youth to the transformative power of the arts, and the donation to Young Audiences of Louisiana will support the organization in delivering quality arts programs to children that inspire and serve as a key form of expression.

With the help of Genesis of Lafayette volunteers, Genesis hosted a STEAM workshop for over 30 elementary, middle, and high school students at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana. Students learned about the Genesis product development process and received a special showcase of a Genesis vehicle. Afterwards, they developed concepts for and created models of their own future mobility vehicles using upcycled materials. Genesis also donated to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana towards its STEAM education initiatives, reinforcing Genesis Gives’ goal to engage more children in these types of innovative programs.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana
This year marks the 55th anniversary of Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana. Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana operates under a mission to empower all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens. Serving youth in 9 different locations, Boys & Girls Clubs provide opportunities through after school programs and summer camps with activities focusing on Academic Success, Healthy Lifestyles & Habits, and Good Character & Leadership.

Young Audiences of Louisiana
Young Audiences of Louisiana (YALA) is the leading provider of arts education and integration programs in the state of Louisiana. Founded in 1962 to bring chamber musicians into local classrooms, YALA has adapted and evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of youth throughout the state through our mission of “inspiring, empowering, and uniting children and communities through education, arts, and culture.” YALA offers a comprehensive and creative approach to educating young minds. Fortified with years of experience, YALA draws upon New Orleans’s strong arts culture provide young people with tools to impact their worlds using art. Through school performances, arts-integrated residencies, extended learning programs and community workshops YALA not only impacts the children of New Orleans, but makes intentional contact with the influential adults in the lives.

Genesis Gives
Genesis Gives is a corporate social responsibility initiative from Genesis Motor America. Expanding on the brand’s commitment to the highest standards of performance and its athletic elegance design identity, Genesis Gives supports nonprofit organizations with the goal of improving access to, and performance in, youth sports and STEAM education in under-resourced communities. Since 2022, Genesis has donated nearly $1.8 million to support communities across the country. For more information, visit

Genesis Inspiration Foundation
Genesis Inspiration Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to connecting youth to the transformative power of the arts. Our mission is to improve educational outcomes by providing access to arts programs that engage and inspire children in under-resourced communities. Since its inception in 2018, the Genesis Inspiration Foundation has donated $10 million to fund youth arts programming at museums, schools, and nonprofit art and cultural organizations nationwide. With the support of Genesis retailers and charitable donations, we are introducing children to a new world of the possible. To learn more about the Genesis Inspiration Foundation, visit

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