Cumartesi, Mart 15, 2025

Charge Cars under new ownership

Çok Okunanlar

OSS Aftermarket Zirvesi için Geri Sayım

Türkiye’nin İlk ve Tek Aftermarket Zirvesi İkinci Kez Kapılarını Açmaya Hazırlanıyor! Otomotiv Satış Sonrası Ürün ve Hizmetleri Derneği (OSS),...

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Bakan Yerlikaya Fuar Açılışını Yaptı Ziyaret Etti….

İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya, motosiklet kazalarını önlemek amacıyla hazırlanan yeni eylem planını İstanbul Fuar Merkezi'nde düzenlenen MOTOBIKE İstanbul 2025 Fuarı'nda açıkladı. Türkiye'deki motosiklet...

Tamamen yeni Mercedes-Benz CLA

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Yeni BMW iX Sportif ve Etkileyici Tasarım

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Mercedes-Benz’den Mart ayında fırsatları

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Silverstone,  – Charge Cars (Charge), creator of the ’67 – the
all-new luxury, bespoke, electric muscle car – has been acquired by a consortium of private investors.

Paul Abercrombie, CEO of Charge Cars, stated: “On behalf of the consortium, I am delighted to announce the acquisition of Charge Cars. The ‘67 establishes a new class of EV – and we will now accelerate final development at our new global HQ in Silverstone, UK, rapidly delivering this exciting luxury vehicle to customers. The Charge brand has huge global potential, and we look forward to revealing more details very soon.”

The ’67 is designed and engineered from the ground up to create an exciting new high performance luxury vehicle. It is a hand-crafted car, with a body licensed by Ford Motor Company, combining iconic American muscle car styling with an entirely new platform and the very latest technology to captivate a new generation of discerning, sustainability-conscious automotive aficionados.

Featuring central floor-mounted batteries providing an optimum centre of gravity, the ’67’s cutting-edge, bespoke-designed electric powertrain ensures incredible performance, thanks to 400kW peak power and 1520 Nm of torque from AWD quad-motor technology.

In-house-bespoke designed suspension and lightweight carbon-fibre components beneath the skin are combined with torque vectoring, ABS, ESC and traction control, enabling the highest standards in safety and vehicle dynamics.

Advanced interior features include an all-new fully bespoke digital touchscreen interface, in-house-designed lighting, a premium custom immersive audio system, and Apple and Android compatibility. Produced in a limited run, with unparalleled bespoke luxury and extensive customisation, each ’67 will be as unique and distinctive as its owner.

Further news from Charge will be revealed imminently.

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