Cumartesi, Mart 15, 2025

Hyundai Motor and Tate Announce Máret Ánne Sara as Next Hyundai Commission Artist and Extend Partnership Until 2036

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Hyundai Motor Company and Tate announced that Máret Ánne Sara will create the next annual Hyundai Commission. Máret Ánne Sara is a Northern Sámi artist and author known for her work exploring global ecological issues through the lens of her lived experience within the Sámi community. Open to the public from October 14, 2025 – April 6, 2026, Hyundai Commission: Máret Ánne Sara will be the tenth in the annual series of new site-specific work for Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall.

Hyundai Motor and Tate Announce Máret Ánne Sara as Next Hyundai Commission Artist and Extend Partnership Until 2036

Máret Ánne Sara was born in 1983 to a Sámi reindeer herding family in Guovdageaidnu in the Norwegian part of Sápmi, the traditional territory of the Sámi people which is today divided between the nation states of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia, where she continues to work today. Through her multidisciplinary practice, Sara highlights the impact of Nordic colonialism on Sámi ways of life, exploring the importance of preserving Sámi ancestral knowledge and values to protect the environment for future generations. Often using materials and methodologies derived from reindeer herding, Sara creates powerful sculptures and installations which uphold the reciprocal relationship between animals, lands, waters and humans.

“Máret Ánne Sara is among a prolific group of Sámi artists who have received widespread international attention in recent years for making visible the issues facing Sápmi and Sámi people,” said Karin Hindsbo, Director of Tate Modern. “By addressing the major social, ecological and political concerns of her community, Sara hopes not only to increase interest and awareness, but also to effect real change. I’m thrilled she will be creating her first work in the UK here at Tate Modern and I look forward to seeing how she will transform the Turbine Hall. I’m sure it will be both challenging and full of wonder.”

Today, Hyundai Motor and Tate also announced the extension of their significant partnership, which encompasses support of both the Hyundai Commission and the Hyundai Tate Research Centre: Transnational, until 2036. This partnership was founded in 2014 with the longest initial commitment from a corporate partner in Tate’s history and is built on a shared vision to offer new ways to experience art and support diverse perspectives from across the contemporary cultural landscape.

“Over the past decade, our partnership with Tate has cultivated a space for dialogue through the arts that reflects our time, transcending generational, geographical, and disciplinary boundaries,” said Euisun Chung, Executive Chair of Hyundai Motor Group. “We believe in enhancing this collaboration, reaffirming our shared commitment to future generations.”

“Hyundai Motor’s remarkable and longstanding commitment to Tate has proved pivotal in our mission to diversify our collection, displays and program,” said Maria Balshaw, Director of Tate. “The Hyundai Commission reaches an audience of millions each year, while the Hyundai Tate Research Centre: Transnational has deepened Tate’s commitment to reframing art histories for the 21st century. As we look ahead to the next decade of our phenomenal partnership with Hyundai, we are incredibly thankful that our collaboration will continue to foster innovative and creative ideas from around the world, inspiring new ways of thinking.”

Attracting over 18 million visitors since it began, the Hyundai Commission gives artists the chance to interpret the vast industrial space of the Turbine Hall, producing some of the boldest and most memorable artworks of the past decade — from Kara Walker’s spectacular fountain to Anicka Yi’s floating artificial lifeforms.

Hyundai Tate Research Centre: Transnational, established in 2019 to develop new perspectives on global art histories, has transformed how Tate develops and shares art historical knowledge around the world. Its research contributes to exhibitions, displays, acquisitions and events across Tate’s four galleries as well as with a wide network of local and international collaborators. Over the last 5 years, the Hyundai Tate Research Centre: Transnational has challenged Eurocentric narratives of Surrealism, reconsidered contemporary British art from Caribbean perspectives, and most recently explored the global network of artists working at the intersection of art and technology, as showcased in Tate Modern’s current exhibition Electric Dreams. Various adjunct curatorial roles in the fields of indigeneity, ecology, Africa and the Caribbean diaspora have also been established by the Centre.

Throughout 2025 and beyond, Hyundai Tate Research Centre: Transnational’s work will continue to expand Tate’s commitment to telling new art histories, driving research behind Europe’s first major Emily Kam Kngwarray exhibition, opening at Tate Modern on July 10, 2025. This year’s annual symposium, a public program to be held in November 2025, will examine the interconnected themes and questions related to the Centre’s core research outputs and program, focusing on matrilineage, rematriation, and ancestral knowledge.

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