Page 34 - Haziran-Temmuz-Agustos2023
P. 34
Owing and subject to the foregoing as well as revenue as our fleet continues to grow, paid creased $185 million, or 661%, in the three Finally, we continually evaluate our cash needs - We're hopeful to get there later this year, daha fazla sabit enerji depolamasına ihtiyaç
the pipeline of announced projects under de- Supercharging revenue, insurance services months ended March 31, 2023 as compared to and may decide it is best to raise additional capital but that's not a promise. That's an aspira- vardır. Yani-ve sabit depolama alanımızın
velopment, all other continuing infrastructure revenue and retail merchandise revenue. Ener- the three months ended March 31, 2022. This or seek alternative financing sources to fund the tion. I think we are -- we will get to the point otomotivden çok daha fazla büyüdüğünü
growth and varying levels of inflation, we cur- gy generation and storage revenue increased increase was primarily due to higher interest rapid growth of our business, including through where we, as a company, provide guidance görüyoruz. Yani bu beklentilerle uyumlu.
rently expect our capital expenditures to be be- $913 million, or 148%, in the three months earned on our cash and cash equivalents and drawdowns on existing or new debt facilities or fi- on the storage business. I say storage is a - I should just clarify like bigger than auto
tween $7.00 to $9.00 billion in 2023 and in ended March 31, 2023 as compared to the short-term investments during the three nancing funds. Conversely, we may also from time combination of both the Megapack business from the standpoint of like total gigawatt
each of the following two fiscal years. Our busi- three months ended March 31, 2022, primarily months ended March 31, 2023 as compared to to time determine that it is in our best interests and the Powerwall business. Relative to to- hours deployed. So its possible automo-
ness has recently been consistently generating due to an increase in deployments of Mega- the prior period. This was driven by an increase to voluntarily repay certain indebtedness early. tal revenues of the company, it's still fairly tive revenue may be higher, but gigawatt
cash flow from operations in excess of our level pack, higher solar cash and loan deployments in our short-term investments balance and ris- Accordingly, we believe that our current sources small. And the business has a lot of volatility hours I think will be probably higher with
of capital spend, and with better working capi- at a higher average selling price, as well as in- ing interest rates. Other (expense) income, net, of funds will provide us with adequate liquidity currently, both in terms of volumes as well as stationary storage. If you just look at the --
tal management resulting in shorter days sales crease in deployments of Powerwall at a higher changed unfavorably by $104 million in the during the 12-month period following March 31, financials just given the small volumes and what's needed to transition the world to a
outstanding than days payable outstanding, average selling price, year over year. Gross three months ended March 31, 2023 as com- 2023, as well as in the long-term. From time to diversification of the customer pool there. sustainable energy economy, there is more
our sales growth is also facilitating positive margin for total automotive decreased from pared to the three months ended March 31, time in the ordinary course of business, we en- But as this business grows and smooths stationary energy storage needed than there
cash generation. We have and will continue to 32.9% to 21.1% in the three months ended 2022. The change is primarily due to fluctua- ter into agreements with vendors for the purchase out, I don't think we're that far away from is mobile energy storage. So -- and we are
utilize such cash flows, among other things, to March 31, 2023 as compared to the three tions in foreign currency exchange rates. Li- of components and raw materials to be used in it. I think including these volumes on our seeing growth of our stationary storage well
do more vertical integration, expand our prod- months ended March 31, 2022. This was driv- quidity and Capital Resources: We expect to the manufacture of our products. However, due day two production and deliveries release is in excess of automotive. So that is in line
uct roadmap and provide financing options to en by the changes in automotive sales revenue continue to generate net positive operating to contractual terms, variability in the precise something that we'll start doing and then we with expectations.
our customers. On the other hand, we are like- and cost of automotive sales revenue, as well cash flow as we have done in the last four fiscal growth curves of our development and production can talk more formally as a business about
ly to see heightened levels of capital expendi- as a decrease in regulatory credits revenue, as years. The cash we generate from our core op- ramps, and opportunities to renegotiate pricing, our expectations over the coming year. I - Cybertruck için güncellenmiş özellikler
tures during certain periods depending on the discussed earlier. Gross margin for total auto- erations enables us to fund ongoing operations we generally do not have binding and enforceable think it will be a few more quarters before ve fiyatlandırma ve üretime girecek yeni
specific pace of our capital-intensive projects motive & services and other segment de- and production, our research and development purchase orders under such contracts beyond we get there. özellikler verebilir misiniz?
and rising material prices and increasing supply creased from 30.5% to 19.9% in the three projects for new products and technologies in- the short-term, and the timing and magnitude of Can you give updated specs and pricing for
chain and labor expenses resulting from chang- months ended March 31, 2023 as compared to cluding our proprietary battery cells, additional purchase orders beyond such period is difficult to - Otomatik fiyatlandırma ayarlamaları yapma Cybertruck, and any new features that will
es in global trade conditions and labor avail- the three months ended March 31, 2022, pri- manufacturing ramps at existing manufacturing accurately project. We transact business global- süreci nedir? Hangi değişkenleri göz önünde make it to production?
ability associated with the COVID-19 pandem- marily due to the automotive gross margin de- facilities such as the Fremont Factory, Gigafac- ly in multiple currencies and hence have foreign bulunduruyorsunuz? Fiyatlandırmayı ne
ic. Automotive sales revenue increased $3.36 crease discussed above, partially offset by an tory Nevada, Gigafactory Shanghai and Giga- currency risks related to our revenue, costs of sıklıkla gözden geçiriyorsunuz? - Sanırım bunu Cybertruck'un devri için
billion, or 22%, in the three months ended improvement in our services and other gross factory New York, the ramp of Gigafactory Ber- revenue, operating expenses and localized sub- What is the process to make auto pricing saklayacağız, ki bu umarım bu yılın 3. Çey-
March 31, 2023 as compared to the three margin. Cost of energy generation and storage lin-Brandenburg and Gigafactory Texas, the sidiary debt denominated in currencies other than adjustments? What variables do you consid- reğinin sonunda olacak. Ve söyleyeceğimden
months ended March 31, 2022, primarily due revenue increased $673 million, or 98%, in the construction of future factories, and the contin- the U.S. dollar (primarily the Chinese yuan, euro, er? How frequently do you review pricing? emin olduğum bir şey var ki, bu inanılmaz bir
to an increase of 108,378 combined Model 3 three months ended March 31, 2023 as com- ued expansion of our retail and service loca- Australian dollar and Canadian dollar in relation to ürün, bence bir şöhret salonu. Ve böyle bir
and Model Y deliveries year over year despite a pared to the three months ended March 31, tions, body shops, Mobile Service fleet, Super- our current year operations). In general, we are - Bence bu gerçekten konuşabileceğimiz ürün uzun zaman içinde sadece bir kez gelir.
negative impact from the United States dollar 2022, primarily due to increase in deployments charger network, energy product installation a net receiver of currencies other than the U.S. bir şey değil. Sadece -- üretim çıktısını, Bu yüzden hiç hayal kırıklığına uğramayacak.
strengthening against other foreign currencies of Megapack, increase in solar cash and loan capabilities and autonomy and other artificial dollar for our foreign subsidiaries. Accordingly, makroekonomik koşulları değerlendirmek Bu inanılmaz.
in the three months ended March 31, 2023 as deployments at a higher average cost due to intelligence enabled products. In addition, be- changes in exchange rates affect our revenue and için elimizden geleni yapıyoruz ve bir karar - Well, I think we'll save that for the Cy-
compared to the prior period. This was increased component costs, as well as in- cause a large portion of our future expenditures other operating results as expressed in U.S. dol- veriyoruz. Demek istediğim, bir ekip olarak, bertruck handover, which will hopefully be
achieved from production ramping of Model Y crease in deployments of Powerwall. Gross will be to fund our growth, we expect that if lars as we do not typically hedge foreign currency küresel olarak nerede durduğumuzu haftalık around the end of Q3 this year. And one
at Gigafactory Shanghai, Gigafactory Ber- margin for energy generation and storage im- needed we will be able to adjust our capital and risk. We have also experienced, and will continue olarak gözden geçiriyoruz ve kesinlikle, belirli thing I am confident of saying is that, it's an
lin-Brandenburg, Gigafactory Texas and the proved from -11.7% to 11.0% in the three operating expenditures by operating segment. to experience, fluctuations in our net income as a kararların alınmasının nedenlerinin ayrıntıları- incredible product, it's a hall of famer, I think.
Fremont Factory. This increase was partially months ended March 31, 2023 as compared to For example, if our near-term manufacturing result of gains (losses) on the settlement and the na giremiyorum. Ancak bu, liderlik ekibinin And a product like this only comes once in a
offset by lower average selling price on our ve- the three months ended March 31, 2022. This operations decrease in scale or ramp more re-measurement of monetary assets and liabilities bir alt kümesi tarafından çok aktif bir şekilde long while. So it will not be disappointed at
hicles driven by overall price reductions year was driven by the growth in energy generation slowly than expected, including due to global denominated in currencies that are not the local yönetilen bir şeydir. all. It's amazing.
over year. There was also a decrease of 2,630 and storage revenue and cost of energy gener- economic or business conditions, we may currency (primarily consisting of our intercompany - I think this is not something that we can
34 Model S and Model X deliveries year over year. ation and storage revenue as discussed above. choose to correspondingly slow the pace of and cash and cash equivalents balances). really talk about. It's just -- we do our best to - En son fiyat indirimlerinden bu yana küre- 35
Automotive regulatory credits revenue de- Additionally, there was a higher proportion of our capital expenditures. Elon Musk Soru-Cevap Röportaj, evaluate the production output, macroeco- sel sipariş alımı nasıl izlendi?
nomic conditions, and we make a decision. How has global order intake tracked since
creased $158 million, or 23%, in the three
energy storage sales, which operated at a
MAGAZINE.COM.TR the three months ended March 31, 2022. We search and development (“R&D”) expenses de- Musk, Tesla interview-questions; you'd like to add, Zach. I think that's right. I - Bence söyleyebileceğimiz genel şey, MAGAZINE.COM.TR
But it's -- and unless there's something the most recent round of price cuts?
months ended March 31, 2023 as compared to
higher gross margin, within the segment. Re-
mean, as a team, we review where we stand
recognized $288 million in revenue in the first
creased $94 million, or 11%, in the three
globally on a weekly basis and certainly, I
months ended March 31, 2023 as compared to
quarter of 2022 primarily due to changes in
siparişlerin üretimi aştığıdır.
- Enerji işi için marj konusunda mevcut ve
the three months ended March 31, 2022. The
regulation which entitled us to additional con-
- I think the overall thing we can say is that
can't get into the details of the reasons why
gelecekteki rehberlik verebilir misiniz?
sideration for credits sold previously, in the ab-
orders are in excess of production.
certain decisions are made. But it is some-
overall decrease was primarily driven by addi-
Can you give current and future guidance on
thing that's very actively managed by a sub-
tional costs in the three months ended March
sence of which we had an increase in automo-
AUTOMOBILE tive regulatory credits revenue year over year. 31, 2022 as compared to the current period, as margin for the Energy business.? set of the leadership team. AUTOMOBILE
we were in the pre-production phase at Giga-
This increase was primarily due to the increase
- Bu yılın ilerleyen saatlerinde oraya gitmeyi
- Tesla Enerjisinin hala otomobilden daha
in volume as well as the regional mix of the
factory Texas and started production at Giga-
umuyoruz, ancak bu bir söz değil. Bu bir istek.
büyük olacağına inanıyor musunuz ve
factory Berlin-Brandenburg only closer to the
credits sold. Automotive leasing revenue de-
Sanırım öyle-bir şirket olarak depolama işinde
megapack ve genel Tesla enerjisi hakkında
end of the first quarter of 2022. Selling, general
creased $104 million, or 16%, in the three
months ended March 31, 2023 as compared to
amanın hem Megapack işinin hem de Powerwall
caksınız? Do you still believe Tesla Energy
the three months ended March 31, 2022. The and administrative (“SG&A”) expenses in- rehberlik edeceğimiz noktaya geleceğiz. Depol- ne zaman daha resmi rehberlik sağlaya-
creased $84 million, or 8%, in the three months
change is primarily due to a decrease in direct ended March 31, 2023 as compared to the işinin bir kombinasyonu olduğunu söylüyorum. will be bigger than auto and when will you
sales-type leasing revenue driven by lower de- three months ended March 31, 2022. This was Şirketin toplam gelirlerine göre, hala oldukça provide more formal guidance on megapack
liveries year over year. This was partially offset driven by a $84 million increase in facilities-re- küçük. Ve şu anda, hem hacimler hem de finan- and overall Tesla energy?
by an increase from the growing portfolio of our lated expenses and a $49 million increase in sal açıdan, oradaki müşteri havuzunun küçük ha-
direct operating lease program. Services and employee and labor costs primarily from in- cimleri ve çeşitlendirilmesi göz önüne alındığın- - Konuşlandırılan toplam gigawatt saat gibi
other revenue increased $558 million, or 44%, creased headcount, including professional ser- da, işletmenin çok fazla oynaklığı var. Ama bu bir bakış açısıyla auto'dan daha büyük gibi
in the three months ended March 31, 2023 as vices. These increases were offset by a de- iş büyüdükçe ve düzleştikçe, bundan o kadar açıklığa kavuşturmalıyım. Dolayısıyla olası
compared to the three months ended March crease of $52 million in stock-based uzakta olduğumuzu sanmıyorum. Bence bu ha- otomotiv geliri daha yüksek olabilir, ancak
31, 2022. The change is primarily due to an in- compensation expense, most of which is at- cimleri ikinci gün üretim ve teslimat sürümümüze sabit depolama ile gigawatt saatlerin muhte-
crease in used vehicle revenue driven by in- tributable to the lower stock-based compensa- dahil etmek, yapmaya başlayacağımız bir şey ve melen daha yüksek olacağını düşünüyorum.
creases in volume offset by decreases in aver- tion expense of $48 million on the 2018 CEO ardından önümüzdeki yıl beklentilerimiz hakkında Dünyayı sürdürülebilir bir enerji ekonomisine
age selling price of used Tesla and non-Tesla Performance Award which was fully expensed bir işletme olarak daha resmi olarak konuşabilir- dönüştürmek için neye ihtiyaç duyulduğuna
vehicles, non-warranty maintenance services as of December 31, 2022. Interest income in- iz. Sanırım oraya varmadan önce birkaç çeyreklik bakarsanız, mobil enerji depolamasından
daha olacak.
Automobile Magazine | HAZİRAN-TEMMUZ-AĞUSTOS 2023 12.YIL