Page 23 - Automobile Magazine - 9.YIL Özel Kasım Sayısı Türkçe-İngilizce E-Dergi.
P. 23
ew Ghost benefits from a new Mi- Visually, this is the result of an obsessive ap-
cro-Environment Purification System proach to reduction and unwavering dedication
(MEPS). Existing air filtration tech- to material quality and substance. Experientially,
nology was further developed to however, this is achieved through peerless
incorporate a full suite of hardware chassis and drivetrain engineering, as well as 23
Nand software improvements. Highly an unrelenting approach to creating a serene
sensitive Impurity Detection Sensors were intro- acoustic ambience within the interior suite.
duced to detect ambient air quality, automati- Rolls-Royce acoustic engineers are experts in
cally switching fresh air intakes to Recirculation serenity. For new Ghost, it was decided that
Mode if unacceptable levels of airborne con- this expertise would be formalised and the
taminants are present. This channels all cabin marque’s specialists would create a Formula for MAGAZINE.COM.TR
air through a nanofleece filter, which is capable Serenity that could help inform future products.
of removing nearly all ultra-fine particles from The first element of this formula is the Rolls-
the Rolls-Royce’s micro- environment in less Royce spaceframe architecture. Its aluminium
than two minutes. New Ghost is perfect in its construction has a higher acoustic impedance
simplicity, but creating this pure and detoxifying compared to steel. Additionally, it is con-
environment was one of the greatest challenges structed from complex forms, rather than flat, AUTOMOBILE
in the marque’s history. Indeed, new Ghost is resonant surfaces. Both the bulkhead and floor
the most technologically advanced motor car sections are also double-skinned, sandwiching
Rolls-Royce has ever produced. Further equip- composite damping felts to reduce road noise
ment includes: LED and laser headlights with intruding into the passenger suite. Larger sec-
more than 600m of illuminated range, vision tions of the architecture have also been created
assist, including day- and night-time wildlife with specific access points for the installation of
and pedestrian warning; alertness assistant; a acoustic damping materials – new Ghost uses
four-camera system with panoramic view, all- more than 100kg in total, applied in the doors,
round visibility and helicopter view; active cruise roof, between the double-glazed windows,
control; collision warning; cross-traffic warning; inside the tyres and within nearly all of the ar-
lane departure and lane change warning; an chitecture itself. The final element of the formula
industry-leading 7x3 high-resolution head-up is harmonising the car. The marque’s acoustic
display; Wi-Fi hotspot; self-park; and the very specialists experimented with a completely
latest navigation and entertainment systems. silent interior suite, but found the experience to
Ghost clients operate in complicated business be disorientating. To overcome this, they elect-
worlds. From the moment they step into the ed to create a ‘whisper’, a soft undertone that
interior suite of their Rolls-Royce, it is essential is experienced as a single, subtle note.
that they are imbued with a sense of wellness.
Kasım - November 2020