Page 13 - Automobile Magazine - 9.YIL Özel Kasım Sayısı Türkçe-İngilizce E-Dergi.
P. 13

Year “Grand Prix of Turkey 2020” special edition of our Hi, Formula1   They will also provide a strange increase in flat prices. Then there will be
               13-14-15 November, after 9 years as a spectator again in Turkey. I   those who sell their cars and buy those flats with bank credit. Can people
               hope you will have the opportunity to watch the race. We have pre-  who buy an apartment without a car face exorbitant prices when they want
               pared our 9th year special issue with many more pages for you.We   to buy a car again? TWill they try to buy a vehicle by taking a loan from
               present our “Automobile Magazine” magazine with English-Turkish   the bank again? This is unknown ... But another prediction of mine is that;
       9 content for the first time. Preparing such a publication as a team is   Used car prices will likely be lower in the near future, contrary to what was
        primarily a source of pride for us as well as revealing our team spirit. Thank   thought in 2021. In other words, I believe that the prices of second-hand cars
        you to everyone who contributed more or less. I am sure we have published our   will drop more than before. (This is just my interpretation and the guessing
        issue, which we prepared specially for our 9th year, in a worthy way.  We thank   feeling) So in such a situation, will those who currently own a high-priced
        the companies, brands and agencies that do not leave us alone here, and support   second-hand car do the damage they will regret in the future? We will learn
        them with their news and advertisements.  Another issue is that we are proud to   this by seeing it through experience. I think there should be a solution to this
        be the only remaining print magazine of “Automobile Magazine” in the world. This   problem of bringing vehicles from abroad. Solutions with certain restrictions
        is an honor for us. While preparing this magazine, I would like to thank the British   can be produced with lower and lower taxes. It must be produced ..Because
        press for the close friendliness and sharing of automotive brands. For all pilots   we deserve ...the production of small class in Turkey, 2020 0 km campaigns
        participating in the Formula 1 race that will be held in our country, she wishes the   are models of the brands have price starting from TL 130,000. THaving this
        race to be well and trouble free, I hope it will be a race with positive cooperation   car has small class production in Turkey, unfortunately, we are forced to pay
        and results on behalf of our country. We want all guests and race fans to leave   the price. This is sad ... TIf Turkey had done what the cost would be up to
        our country with satisfaction. It is exciting that Formula 1 is in our country in 9   its own domestic car? Will we have our domestic and national vehicle by
        years. The fact that the WRC (World Rally Championship) was held in Marmaris   paying the same fee? Is it less? Is it more? I wondered about it ...How much
        in our country this year is positive for the promotion of our country. In the mid-  do we pay when we manage to produce our domestic vehicle with a normal
        dle of these two giant races, we were busy preparing our broadcast for you. As   gasoline engine? I think that should be the question. Using a common plat-
        someone who has designed many magazines until this time, I wanted to prepare   form with gasoline and LPG, a domestic motor vehicle should be produced
        this magazine by liking and digesting it. I am sure that one day I will achieve that   as soon as possible. At least we will have a normal motorized public vehicle
        amazing result I wanted. This result can only happen with many pages with good   other than “TOGG” brand electric vehicle. (Russia Lada, Spain Seat, Czech
        content and design.... I am the child of a poor, laboring, self-employed father and   Skoda.) My thinking has always been in this direction. I believe we need
        family who are not considered middle class and I am not afraid to say this. We   more of a domestic car that burns less gasoline and LPG.  For example, I
        can’t be middle class because what I understand from the middle class is to have   am 43 years old and I still do not own a car. I may be doing this job, it does
        a decent car. Our family has never had a decent car. Many years ago, we had   not mean that I earn a lot of money and I have enough money to buy a car.
        Tofaş Şahin, Serçe and 2003-2004 Dacia models purchased with a maturity of 48   For this reason, I am someone who likes to do my job and I am proud of the
        months. Later it was also sold. My father, my family never had a car again. Now   brand I represent. Because we do well. I love doing the best of something.Or
        when I look around, there are people selling and selling one or two second-hand   I also like to work hard and spend time to be the best. This has always been
        vehicles they already own, including those who borrowed from the bank to buy   the case for me. Of course, I will not tell you how many hours I work a day
        flats. Turkey currently 0 km and 2nd hand vehicles are quite expensive. For ex-  here. This would be very annoying. Sometimes it can be just as annoying as
        ample, I only had one car in my life.. 1990 Model BMW 3.16i was a nice vehicle,   using a Lotus:) i think... Lotus Exige Is? Yes, she is the one standing in the
        but unfortunately I had to sell it 2 years ago. (To cover the loan debt to the bank)   back photo. Brother, will this print 150km? (Sometimes when little children
        The vehicle I am selling is currently being sold between 35,000 TL and 40,000 TL,   see it like that, they ask.) Yes, of course, it prints for 150 km, and it can be
        more than double the price. I can guess some things. Coming from a poor family   easily reached up to 250 km. Lotus Exige 350 Sport of course what are
        does not prevent this. In this sense, I tried to train myself enough in life. One of   you waiting for, 0-100km acceleration in just 3.8 seconds...I think you will
        my guesses on this; Right now, very recently, people trying to buy an apartment   already read this in my test article inside. Stay Brave and Healthy ...
        by selling their cars in a few months >>
                                                                   Love and Respect,



                                                                                                       Kasım - November 2020
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