A new Unimog U 430 is hard at work in Leogang in the state of Salzburg

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Leogang / State of Salzburg – In cold winters like this one, the Unimog is an indispensable helper in the fight against snow and ice. That also holds true for the municipality of Leogang in the state of Salzburg. In the skiing region there, temperatures can sink as low as minus 20°C at night with 50 cm of fresh snow in a few hours being anything but a rarity. In such cases, the team has to be on the road by 5 a.m. to ensure that the most frequented roads are cleared before the morning rush hour begins. There is a shift changeover at midday, and in the evening all of the roads are cleared.

Reliable and sophisticated technology is essential here – technology which the U 430 of the municipality of Leogang has brought them since 2016. All-wheel steering, Quick Reverse and snowplough relief are the keywords here.

So wie hier in Leogang/Österreich sind in ganz Europa hunderte von Unimog im Einsatz und räumen die Straßen von Schnee. Technische Daten: Mercedes-Benz Unimog U 430, Exterieur, orange, OM 936 Euro VI mit 220 kW (299 PS), 7,7 l Hubraum, permanenter Allradantrieb. ;
Just like in Leogang (Austria), hundreds of Unimog vehicles are in operation throughout Europe, clearing snow from the roads. Technical Data: Mercedes-Benz Unimog U 430, Exterior, orange, OM 936 Euro VI rated at 220 kW (299 hp), displacement 7.7 l, permanent all-wheel drive.;

So wie hier in Leogang/Österreich sind in ganz Europa hunderte von Unimog im Einsatz und räumen die Straßen von Schnee. Technische Daten: Mercedes-Benz Unimog U 430, Exterieur, orange, OM 936 Euro VI mit 220 kW (299 PS), 7,7 l Hubraum, permanenter Allradantrieb. ; Just like in Leogang (Austria), hundreds of Unimog vehicles are in operation throughout Europe, clearing snow from the roads. Technical Data: Mercedes-Benz Unimog U 430, Exterior, orange, OM 936 Euro VI rated at 220 kW (299 hp), displacement 7.7 l, permanent all-wheel drive.;

All-wheel steering increases manoeuvrability

With all-wheel steering, the front and rear wheels can drive in exactly the same tracks. This is necessary, for example, when the Unimog has cut a curved path through deep snow and must then back up in its previous tracks.

“Electronic Quick Reverse”, on the other hand, allows the Unimog to very swiftly switch between forward and reverse gears. After all, the Unimog does not just have one reverse gear, but three. When clearing car parks, the Unimog often drives back and forth and quickly changing from forwards to backwards increases the snow clearing performance – car parks can thus be cleared faster than without this technology.

Another highlight is snowplough relief using the Unimog’s hydraulic system. It ensures that a part of the snowplough’s weight can be transferred to the front axle. The degree of relief is steplessly adjustable using the instrument cluster. This increases traction at the front axle, reduces wear on the snowplough’s blade, protects the road surface and also reduces noise.

Just like in Leogang in the state of Salzburg, hundreds of Unimog vehicles are in operation throughout Europe, clearing snow-covered roads on a daily basis – above all in the snow-prone Alps such as Leogang in the state of Salzburg.

A video showing the Unimog in operation can be found under the following link: 

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